Monday, October 25, 2010

True Harboring Of Terrorists

Images, smells, memories,
folded, tucked, dry roses
of once life,
streets on fire,

when I hear words
with so much hate
it sounds like God crying.

Muslim this, Christian that,
Black this, Mexican that,
racist politicians should be
let go to under go therapy,
not to help change laws in
the middle of the night,

racism should be viewed as
insanity, they should be made
to get psychiatric help, or
find an island, where I am
sure they'll have problems
with wild life,

I can't, won't, ever believe
that someone in their right
mind would hate someone they
don't know? That's beyond logic
bordering on criminal and simply

so shave your heads, put on your
sheets, march, send emails recruiting
kids, tell them you believe in Hitler?
hide behind hoods, burn crosses, burn
churches, write hate songs, live hate
lives, bask in the sanctity of ignorance,

freedom of speech isn't a legal
loop hole, isn't a right to commit crimes
or instill fear,

you need a brain, a heart and courage
to realize you're a human being, superior
to none, above no one.

Freedom does not take kindly to you or
to those harboring you
under a mockery interpretation
of our greatest right,

for we all know hate CRIMES
are a derivative of what (they) call
freedom of speech.

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