Monday, October 25, 2010

Love Is Love

The constant hate
is the out of control
weed that is the

(Our internal cultural terrorists).

Now I won't herd them,
not all Republicans
are maniacs,
I know good decent Republicans.

but they need to stand up please
and be clear quick,
your party is out of control
and is remarkably short

of one voice of reason?

dividing us
has been the agenda
for a decade now.

I am married, heterosexual
(but I am Muslim/American/Egyptian: so I'm sure
you've got your problems with that?),

what is the problem with
anyone being Gay?
Love is love man, love is love,

whatever your internal issues are?
has no relevance to the issue,
your religion has no relevance
to the issue,
this is the land of the free,

Keep your religion at home,
in your place of worship
and keep it out of our laws,
policies, political agendas,
and lets start running psychological
tests on politicians who have hate
issues, anger issues, gay bashing issues,
not let them run for political positions?

we need educated, open minded,
balanced people, no witches or
moma grizzlies or closet rich boy racists.
Don't need them. Been there
done that.

Say No to the bumper sticker people.

Don't BS us about wanting
your country back? what your want
is Hitler.

Let people fall in love, let
them get married, let them live,
and stay out of their lives,

Hate crimes against our children,
our citizens, our brothers and sisters
can't happen anymore on our watch.

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