Monday, October 25, 2010

Anderson Cooper

I wish you get clear brother Anderson,
why must you label terrorists as:
Muslim extremists?

I've never heard you refer
to Timothy McVeigh
as a Christian extremist?

how many kids were abused
by Christian Priests?

I certainly don't have the time
to list all the crazy
Christian freaks
through out history
nor the Muslim freaks,
but we both know
we can have a field day


why isn't the Christian religion
being attacked?

instead, ration,
logic, those are just bad
priests, bad people, bad Christians,
those individuals (mighty white of you)
need to be punished to the full extent
of the law,

now let's talk Muslims,

off with their heads,
sand Nig,
Islam is attacking us,

spare me the BS man,
enough, really, enough,

Islam has not attacked us,
Terrorists did,

the rest of the story is
what agendas are making up,

what the three bumper stickers
(Sarah, Glen and Rush)
are using to make money,
this isn't about Tea, it's
racism hiding as usual,

I think too much of you Anderson
for you to fall for that,

we know better,
generalizing is a sad state
of being, you can't put a muzzle
on freedom,

and you can't package Islam
with Terrorists,

that's sadly taken care of
by our resident evil cultural Terrorists.

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